Infographic with a flower sprouting up from parched earth.

Why Join the Open Call

Joining the Open Call offers direct benefits for both your company and water systems around the world.

Benefits Unlocked for Your Company:

  • Address water risk across your company's value chain.
  • Identify opportunities to invest in efforts tailored to the basin context.
  • Coordinate joint action with other companies to scale up local benefits.
  • Demonstrate your company's commitment to water action across your entire enterprise.
  • Unlock co-benefits to advance multiple areas of your ESG agenda.
  • Leverage your company voice to expand our reach and multiply our impact.

Benefits Unlocked for Global Water Systems:

  • Amplify positive impacts from funding eco-system services, infrastructure, WASH provision.
  • Mitigate negative impacts by addressing water consumption and discharge.
  • Promote solutions tailored to the contextual needs of each river basin
  • Increased prioritization of investment in vulnerable watersheds
  • Raise water action on the global corporate agenda
  • Support ecosystems, economies, and communities to become resilient to climate change

The Urgency of the MovementImage of water running over a rocks in a forest.

We are in a critical window of opportunity to address the global water crisis. Global demand for water is set to outstrip supply by 40% by 2050. Over 1 in 4 people lack access to safely managed water and sanitation. Climate change is making droughts more severe and flooding more intense.

To secure the future of our businesses, ecosystems, and communities, the private sector must radically scale up its action on water.

By acting across direct operations, engaging supply chains, and collectively investing in the health of vulnerable water basins, the business community can de-risk their enterprises. By joining a global movement, those actions can multiply to positively impact billions of people and countless ecosystems worldwide.

Join the Open Call to get your company involved in transformational change, supported by innovative technical resources and trusted partners.

Join the Open Call Today 
Supporting Organizations
Logos of the Open Call Supporting Organizations